How can I delete my data?

You have a right to “be forgotten” meaning have all data related to your account deleted. This includes saved calculations and imported images.


If you’ve trialed SketchAndCalc but chose not to subscribe you can send an email from the address used to create an account to:


As a subscriber, you can request your data be deleted during the unsubscribe process by checking the option at the bottom of the unsubscribe page.

Doing so will schedule the removal of data related to your account at the point your account expires (at the end of the next billing cycle). This ensures you still have access to your data up until the point your account is active.

If you choose not to check the option “Delete my data after my account expires” your saved data will be accessible next time you log in.

Note: Our free trial relies on the storage of customer email addresses. To avoid abuse of our free trial email addresses will be retained as a record, however, no further personally identifiable data will be retained if you chose to ‘delete your data’ or ‘be forgotten’.

Read more on how we protect your email address, here.

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